Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Should I Begin: Benefits of Family Volunteering

Family volunteering strengthens families and strengthens our community. When you decide to become a family volunteer, you are not only contributing to an important cause, but you are also helping your family and children in ways you never thought possible. Here is a sample of benefits your family and your community can achieve through family volunteering.

Children are able to develop compassion and an understanding for others. Not only will involving children in the decision-making process and volunteer activity help them feel appreciated and respected, but the volunteer activity will also enable them to acquire new skills.

Parents can help others while spending more time with their kids, passing on important values, and sharing meaningful conversations in a positive environment.

Nonprofits are often understaffed and overstressed and need additional help. Family volunteering helps them broaden their outreach to the community while improving community image and relations -- 97% of social service agencies that involved families found it to be very effective. Depending on their interests, family volunteers may want to help many types of non-profits, including the homeless, the sick and disabled, the elderly, children, animals, and the environment.

Society benefits from family volunteering, as it is a natural multiplier of volunteers. Studies show that children who volunteer are much more likely to continue as adults and carry on the tradition with their own children.


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